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Public Health and Pandemics

March 7, 2025
By Andrew deCoriolis

Press Release: New Farm Forward Research Reveals How Federal Regulators are Making Bird Flu Worse

Three years into the outbreak and amidst outrageous increases in egg prices, the United States Department of Agriculture continues to make dangerous payouts to big companies and delay corrective action.

February 6, 2025
By Rev. John Millspaugh

Why Are Meat, Dairy, and Egg Prices Soaring? A Look Behind the Rising Costs

While inflation has impacted all food categories, two significant factors have disproportionately driven up animal product prices: the devastating impact of avian influenza, and systematic price manipulation by major meat producers.

January 16, 2025
By Farm Forward

Press Release: Farm Forward Extremely Alarmed by America’s First Bird Flu Death; US Must Scale Up Response to Avert Catastrophe

Farm Forward is deeply alarmed by the first bird flu death recorded in the United States. The federal government must act to get the outbreak under control.

November 26, 2024
By Farm Forward

First Serious Human Case of Bird Flu is a “Massive Wake-up Call” that Demands Immediate Action from USDA, CDC

Farm Forward has long warned that industrial farming practices are a major driver of zoonotic diseases. Recent bird flu cases in humans underscore the urgent need for meaningful action.

September 10, 2024
By Farm Forward

The USDA Isn’t Inspiring Confidence With Its Bird Flu Response

The government is freaking us out on bird flu. It’s not what they’re saying—it’s what they are not saying.

August 29, 2024
By Andrew deCoriolis

Farm Forward Calls out the USDA Conspiring with Meat Companies to Humanewash with False “Antibiotic-Free” Labels

A USDA testing program finds that at least 20 percent of tested cattle samples labeled “raised without antibiotics” or “no antibiotics ever” tested positive for antibiotics. USDA buries findings and reports no punitive action.

August 15, 2024
By Andrew deCoriolis

“One Health” Policies Fail to Address the Root Cause of Antimicrobial Resistance

Antimicrobial Resistance is an increasing threat to human and animal health. Solving the problem requires significant reforms to agricultural policy and industrial animal farming practices. Yet, the largest international One Health programs largely fail to acknowledge industrial animal farming as a key threat to the One Health mission.

June 19, 2024
By Andrew deCoriolis

Bird Flu Outbreak and USDA’s Failure to Prioritize Prevention

Even as the seriousness of the bird flu outbreak increases, the government refuses to address the underlying cause: factory farming.

April 2, 2024
By Farm Forward

Federal Funds Bail Out Poultry Industry, Increasing Pandemic Risk

An investigation by Farm Forward and Our Honor, covered by The New York Times, shows how the federal government has allocated hundreds of millions in taxpayer dollars to poultry companies like Tyson and Hormel for bird flu outbreak losses, despite these companies’ factory farming practices being linked to the outbreaks.

November 6, 2023
By Rev. John Millspaugh

CDC and HHS Must Address Zoonotic Disease Threats Posed by Factory Farms

Farm Forward submitted a comment to the CDC and HHS we consider critical for addressing zoonotic disease and public health preparedness: factory farming creates perfect petri dishes for endemic and emergent zoonotic diseases. Deintensifying existing poultry and pig farming—while placing a moratorium on new factory farm construction—is the public health measure that would most dramatically reduce the risk of the next pandemic virus. 


May 15, 2023
By Farm Forward

Can you get bird flu from eating chicken or eggs?

The high price of eggs is just one outcome of bird flu. Far more worrying is the possibility that the disease could adapt to human bodies and lead to the next global pandemic. Though eating chicken or eggs is unlikely to lead to illness, experts agree that the pandemic risk of avian flu is real, stemming largely from the way birds are raised on factory farms and the particular breeds of birds that have come to dominate the supply chain.

March 7, 2023
By Andrew deCoriolis

We could be on the brink of the next pandemic

Bird flu is making global headlines. As an H5N1 outbreak ravages the U.S. poultry industry and egg prices reach record highs, scientists are ringing alarm bells that the virus could soon enter a new, more dangerous phase of its evolution.

April 12, 2022
By Rev. John Millspaugh

Farm Forward to WHO: Reduce Pandemic Risk Now 

Farm Forward welcomed the World Health Organization (WHO) Intergovernmental Negotiating Body’s recent request for public guidance on the question, “What substantive elements do you think should be included in a new international instrument on pandemic preparedness and response?” 

June 22, 2021
By Farm Forward

The University of Oxford and Farm Forward Discuss Pandemic Risk and Factory Farming 

While COVID-19 may have emerged from a wet market, the greater pandemic risk is our insatiable appetite for cheap, factory farmed meat.

September 23, 2020
By Farm Forward

A Memo from the Year 2050 

Brandon Keim, a freelance journalist writing a speculative fiction piece for Anthropocene magazine about how to prevent zoonoses, asked Farm Forward how to create a future free of pandemics and factory farms. 

May 8, 2020
By Farm Forward

Stop Sacrificing Meatpacking Workers’ Lives 

This week in response to the Trump Administration’s April 28th announcement that it would invoke the Defense Production Act to compel meatpacking companies to stay open during the pandemic, Farm Forward joined nearly 100 food, labor, and environmental allies to show broad support for frontline foodworkers.  

September 17, 2019
By Farm Forward

USDA Publishes Egregious Final Hog Slaughter Inspection Rule

USDA proposed harmful inspection rules that we have a chance to stop! Learn more about the rules and how you can make a difference here.

December 11, 2018
By Farm Forward

Factory Farms in the Flood Zone: A Farm Forward Interview

An interview with industry insiders exposing the dangers of the ineffective CAFO management on the floodplains of North Carolina. See images..

November 7, 2017
By Farm Forward

The Human Costs of Factory Farming

The factory farming industry harms human workers as well as the living animal products they must process at breakneck speed. Learn more here.

January 10, 2017
By Farm Forward

Farm Forward Joins Coalition in Opposition to Trump’s Nomination for Secretary of Labor

Farm Forward believes that a sustainable and just food system treats animals and humans with dignity. We’re facing a new administration whose agricultural advisory committee will include outspoken opponents of wage reform and animal welfare policies.

January 28, 2012
By Ben Goldsmith

Striking Down Animal Welfare

A California law that has protected the public from consuming meat from animals that are too sick or injured to even stand was overturned. Learn more of the implications here.

July 13, 2011
By Ben Goldsmith

The Modern Henhouse

With hen housing debates in full swing and the wellbeing of hundreds of millions of birds at stake, Farm Forward wants you to have the facts about how America’s egg supply is produced.