Remembering Bernie Rollin
Bernard Rollin was one of the world’s leading animal ethicists and a fierce advocate for animal welfare.
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Animal WelfareBernard Rollin was one of the world’s leading animal ethicists and a fierce advocate for animal welfare.
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Animal WelfareYou may be with the majority of Americans who rely too heavily on label claims by meat manufacturers but are we also duped by the certifiers?
Changing farming takes working with and learning from farmers directly. Internationalizing the fight beyond US borders ensures all farmers everywhere are heard and retain the right to farm according to their values.
Grocery chain Giant Eagle has revealed its plans to phase out all “One Health Certified” (OHC) chicken from its stores.
Myq Kaplan of Comedy Central, The Tonight Show, and Letterman fame has narrated a thought-provoking new video to combat false advertising by massive meat, egg, and dairy companies.
The U.S. District Court ruled that Farm Forward and a coalition of animal and environmental protection organizations have standing to sue the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), regarding regulations at pig slaughterhouses.
Global Animal Partnership (GAP) seems dedicated to passing off low welfare standards as the gold standard, thus helping the purveyors of factory farmed products deceive shoppers.
While COVID-19 may have emerged from a wet market, the greater pandemic risk is our insatiable appetite for cheap, factory farmed meat.
Farm Forward has kicked off a campaign and ad blitz calling out the meat industry’s latest deceptive marketing scheme, “One Health Certified” (OHC), which now adorns Batavia, Illinois-based ALDI’s store-brand chicken.
Farm Forward supports the mega-dairy moratorium which would allow a pause in the permitting of new and expanding mega-dairies until meaningful protections can be enacted to protect Oregon’s air, water, climate, rural communities, small farmers and animal welfare.
In April 2020, after more than a decade of service, Farm Forward resigned, in protest, from the board of the nation’s largest legitimate animal welfare certification, Global Animal Partnership or GAP.
On June 14th, the Chicago Tribune published an opinion written by Farm Forward’s Executive Director Andrew deCoriolis in response to their coverage of an undercover investigation at Fair Oaks Farm, an industrial dairy operation in Indiana.
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Animal WelfareIndustrial poultry farms are infamous for the commonly known “bird flu”, yet agribusiness continues being the breeding ground for pandemics.
USDA proposed harmful inspection rules that we have a chance to stop! Learn more about the rules and how you can make a difference here.
As I strolled along the park’s concrete path, I glanced over to find—gliding alongside me—an orca, a chinook salmon, monarch butterflies, and planet Earth itself.
Farm Forward joined a coalition of nearly two dozen farming, consumer, animal welfare, and environmental groups in asking Oregon leaders to put a moratorium on large, commercial dairies.
Earlier this year, Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens joined the Leadership Circle by sourcing exclusively certified higher welfare chicken and turkey for their restaurant, Café Phipps.
Pope Francis was challenged by 12-year-old Genesis Butler to try eating a plant-based diet for Lent, with a promise of a million dollar donation to a charity of his choice should he say yes.
A first-of-its-kind campaign launched by Farm Forward in 2014 has resulted in the adoption of a new technology that spares day-old chicks from being slaughtered shortly after they hatch.
By purchasing whole animals from local higher welfare farms, UK demonstrates how institutions can improve animal welfare, support local economies, and reduce carbon emissions while maintaining affordable dining operations.
Our CEO, Dr. Aaron Gross, published a statement on sexual harassment and discrimination, in response to documented reports of such incidents taking place in the animal protection movement.
New Executive Director Andrew deCoriolis speaks on his path to his new role, and goals for Farm Forward’s impactful future. Read more here.
Farm Forward responds to PETA’s video of alleged Good Shepherd Poultry Ranch operations. Join us in dissecting what’s happening. Read more.
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Animal WelfareMore institutions are taking advantage of the benefits of the Leadership Circle, like Villanova University. Learn more here.
Commendable efforts by Perdue Farms to progress poultry farming on an industrial scale. See how they are committing to animal welfare here.
Blue Apron, a national favorite meal delivery service, commits to only sourcing the best. See what they’re doing that’s better. Read more.
The incredibly effective and simple idea that will lower your food costs, strengthen your health, and be better for the planet. Learn more.
With harassment prevalent in the animal rights movement, Farm Forward states the damage this does and the direct action we take to fight it.
Large factory farm and polluter conducting illegal activities making citizens sick continues business as usual. Learn more.
The factory farming industry harms human workers as well as the living animal products they must process at breakneck speed. Learn more here.
Leadership Circle raises the bar and helps you meet it by developing the network of higher-welfare farms, and driving consumer demand to them.
One hog farmer, Paul Willis, chose farming over industrialized production, and has shown us what high-welfare pig farming looks like.
The report, titled “Animal Welfare in the National Organic Program: The USDA Must Act Quickly to Ensure Consumer Trust,” documents how farmers, retailers, and consumer advocates overwhelmingly support—and expect—stronger welfare standards for animals raised under the organic program.
As consumers have grown more conscious about how their food is produced many have signaled their willingness to pay a premium for birds with less severe health problems raised on higher welfare farms.
This lack of transparency and meaning in labels is one of the main reasons we created BuyingPoultry—to help consumers cut through confusing labels and find healthier, higher-welfare poultry and egg options.